Writing update 1

Hello, everyone! I’m excited to say that this week I was able to reach 48,981 words! The predicted word count will be around 90k so we are half way through to finishing the first draft of the book. I wrote chapters 15-17. Chapters 15-16 are focused on Mazen, Orlin, and Sedar. Chapter 17 we return to Gor’del and Morkar on their new adventure to unraveling Elven magic. The next chapter I’m extremely excited about as new mysteries will be revealed opening up more lore and depth to the plot. Here a just a few quotes from this weeks chapters. As always this is an unedited version and is up for change.

The wails that came out of Sequar and Joslyn gripped Mazen’s heart in firm unrelenting chains. The despair that permeated the room reflected his own, and he clenched his fists to will himself not to join them.” -Chapter 15

“He let out a deep rumble of sorrow and covered the book when he heard a strange voice.

“Hello, guardian.”

Mazen jumped to his feet and clutched the jacket with the book to his chest, the stone quickly put away in his pocket.

“Who said that?” Mazen asked. A figure walked forward that made Mazen freeze. It was a male elf with sickly gray skin, golden eyes, and a muted brown and gold glow about him.” -Chapter 16

They both looked around for any sign of life. Morkar couldn’t make out any essences not even that of a non-changeling animal. It was unnerving and the two were beginning to lose hope that they would find whom they were looking for. Out of nowhere a large roar sounded and a pure white lion with a yellow mane and piercing yellow eyes leapt forward. He tackled Gor’del who had barely enough time to cry to the earth to provide a barrier. The lion was flung backward, and it roared in fury. Morkar changed to his panther form and roared himself as he swung his paw and swept his claws barely missing the lion’s face. The lion turned towards Morkar and lifted his own paw before a pure white owl with bright pink eyes flew in front of them.” -Chapter 17